Friday, September 26, 2014

Bruce Peninsula Wildflowers

I spent last weekend up on the Bruce Peninsula with the University of Guelph Wildlife Club. The Bruce is a spectacular place to be a naturalist, and I had a lot of fun. The weather was mostly dismal, but there were breaks in the rain that were actually very nice.
To start off, I spent a lot of time looking at wildflowers. I believe I have identified these correctly but if you know differently please let me know! Many of these are quite range and habitat-restricted.
The rest of my sightings will be in another post.

Kalm's Lobelia (left) and Blue-green Grass-of-Parnassius

Bog Goldenrod

Bog Goldenrod and Pitcher Plant

Common Sneezeweed

Fringed Gentian not quite in bloom


Horned Bladderwort

Indian Paintbrush

Kalm's Lobelia

Nodding Lady's Tresses - one of the many orchids the Bruce is famous for

Ohio Goldenrod

Shrubby Cinquefoil


  1. I think all of these are identified correctly, Reuven. No place like the Bruce for Orchids in Canada. I've run into entire bus loads of Americans searching for them in June/July. In fact, one year, one of these bus people gave me a tip to locate a rare Orchid (a Calypso). And, guess what? I found it. Lesson learned: don't automatically start worrying about bus loads of people wearing baseball caps near National Parks. Not all of them come to trample the earth.

    1. Thanks Nandy! I went looking for Calypso near Wasaga Beach this June but had no luck.
