We noticed this Snowy Owl at Port Bruce in Elgin County. It was quite tame and a bunch of people from the town were watching it. Much of Lake Erie has a very straight shore, and birds are very concentrated at the harbours, river mouths and peninsulas.
Case in point is this Harlequin Duck that has been present at Port Dover for quite a while. This was the only one I saw in 2014.
In recent years Long Point has played host to impressive numbers of Sandhill Cranes in early winter. We had about 600 birds in total, but others have seen far more.
The same field where most of the cranes were spending their time also hosted a group of 4 Killdeer. This hardy species may be found occasionally until snow and ice block foraging. This is the first time I've seen Killdeer in winter.
While driving a road among some boathouses at Long Point, I noticed a shape on top of a utility pole - a Snowy Owl!
We only watched it for a bit before it became obvious that it was preparing to pass a pellet!
I feel incredibly lucky to have caught this shot!
Anthropomorphizing I know, but it sure looked relieved afterwards!
We came upon our last Snowy Owl (number 6 for the weekend) atop a tall tree in Long Point Provincial Park. You really realise how incredibly light they are when they pech on tiny branches like this.
Great capture of the expelled pellet!